One of the most common problems pertaining to a shower area is water accumulation over the pan liner. Since your tile floor is not completely waterproof, some water will trickle down to the pan liner. In case your pan slope is not appropriate, the water that seeps down the tile floor might not be directed towards the drain, and might accumulate between the floor and the pan liner. This water accumulation could lead to serious problem of mold in your shower area in the long run. Whats more, in case there is a leakage in your pan liner, your sub floor could also get damaged due to the water leak.
Traditional mortar beds can soak the excess water and can remain wet for a long duration of time, thereby resulting in damage to the tiles as well as the grout lines. Further, mortar can choke the drain weep holes, thereby resulting in a blocked shower drain. All such problems can result in an unpleasant showering experience for you.
A leaky shower area or excessive mold could cause serious problems and could result in unnecessary repairs and maintenance expenses. Now, with the introduction of ready to tile shower pans, leaky shower is no more a worry. Ready to tile shower pans are a contemporary version of traditional pan liners, which used to be placed over the shower sub floor. Ready to tile shower pans are manufactured with high grade polystyrene, and are rot proof as well as leak proof.
Ready to tile shower pans have a pre-formed slope of 1/4” per foot that is as per the industry standards. This slope ensures that any water which seeps through the tile floor is effectively directed towards the shower drain weep holes. Effective drainage and non accumulation of water below the tile floor ensures no leakage and no mold growth in your shower area.
Constructing a traditional mortar bed shower pan requires a lot of time as well as a little masonry skills. However, the easy and convenient structure of ready-to-tile-shower pans ensures that every do-it-yourself enthusiast can install it without any difficulty. The fact that these pan floors can be tiled as soon as they have been installed makes them all the more convenient and effective.
Although installing a pan liner is still the most popular method of constructing a shower area, more and more people are realizing the importance of ready to tile pan floors. Their easy to install and highly effective nature ensures high value for money. Further, the preformed slope, which is in accordance with the industry standards, ensures that any water that seeps through the shower floor is effectively directed towards the drain weep holes. You can also find a few ready to tile shower pans that come with integrated curb to ensure that you do not to spend extra time or money into building a shower curb. It is due to benefits such as these that the use of ready to tile shower pans has picked up significantly in recent times.
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