Wedge is a mechanical device that is extensively being used for providing space between tiles, masonry, wood flooring, as well as other similar jobs. Over the years, wedge has evolved into a more dynamic Roto-Wedge Spacer. This is being preferred by most of the professionals as it is efficient and easy to use. You just have to rotate the Roto-Wedge spacer in order to achieve the perfect spacing needed. This device is used for holding an object in place, lifting an object, and for separating two objects, or different portions of one object. By using a Roto-Wedge spacer, you can save significant amount of time and effort, which can be utilized for accomplishing other tasks.
Earlier, one used ordinary wedges, shims, wood and cardboard scraps for spacing that were not effective. These used to hit the walls or collide with the substrate before being utilized completely. For overcoming these problems, tile setters used to stack wedges, or used spacers in conjunction with wedges, or sometimes even resort to using cardboard, folded into numerous layers. These methods not only demanded time and effort, but were also inaccurate, unreliable and unstable, resulting in unequal spacing. Additionally, these often used to move or fallout, subsequently leading to job failures. However, with the development of Roto-Wedge spacer, tile setters found an effective tool, which had none of the limitations of ordinary wedges.
The rotating design of the Roto-Wedge spacer prevents it from hitting the wall or colliding with the substrate; unlike the ordinary wedges. Owing to its unique design, all you need to do is rotate the Roto-Wedge spacer to achieve the desired spacing. As compared to ordinary wedges, the task can be completed in fraction of time; thereby, one can accomplish more in same amount of time. Moreover, this fast and efficient device increases productivity as it aids in completing the job with unmatched accuracy, stability, and speed.
The only effective and efficient product available for masonry, the Roto-Wedge spacer is available in two variants; viz. Roto-Wedge Spacer Small and Roto-Wedge Spacer Large. Depending upon the requirements, you can select either of these durable and tough Roto-Wedge Spacers. The dynamic wedges are nearly 3 inches long, which facilitate finer adjustment than ordinary wedges. Additionally, the Roto-Wedge spacers create flatter and stable surface owing to their angle, which is less than half as steep as ordinary wedges. Both these spacers can be used for creating a wide spacing, varying from 1/16 to 7/8 inches . Since these Roto-Wedge spacers are never buried in the grout joint, these can easily be removed after completion of the task.
A Roto-Wedge spacer provides perfect spacing solution, due to which it is widely being used for tiles, stones and masonry. Hence, if you are still using the ordinary wedges that do not provide effective spacing and adversely affect your job; you need to try the Roto-Wedge spacer. Not only is it affordable, efficient and easy to use, it is the only perfect spacing solution that helps you
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